European Projects
Since 2015, COPAVA has participated in Erasmus+ Projects (KA204) for Training for Adults, co-financed by the European Union.
There are already 8 projects developed, with training materials aimed at improving the Quality of Life and Social Inclusion of people with intellectual functional diversity, who participate in its design, together with professionals and family members, through co-creation sessions.
Development of a training program for boosting and facilitating the community living of people with intellectual disabilities
Development of a Training Program for improving Inclusion and participation of Persons with Disability through Time Banks.
The main objective of ID-GAMING is to increase the competences of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Professionals and Relatives in the implementation of ICT Serious Games for training cognitive functions and improve their Quality of Life.
EU-COLPBOL is an Erasmus+ Sports project whose objective is the implementation of the sport of Colpbol at a European level, as a tool to improve the Quality of Life of persons with intellectual disability.
Colpbol is a team sport born in Valencia, with a genuinely inclusive character and a simple regulation, in which everyone can participate regardless of their gender or abilities.
The objective of this Erasmus+ Project is to increase knowledge about the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals by designing a Digital Serious Game that empowers persons with intellectual disability to become sustainable citizens. Users, family members and professionals from care centers participate in the design of the Digital Game.